가타카나어에 관한 고찰 : 『花より男子ファイナル』『のだめカンタ一ビレ』『ごくせん』上‧下 를 분석대상으로 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Katakana in modern Japanese is in general use in an loan word, a foreign persons name and the name of a place, imitative words, a mimetic word, animals and plant's name and so on. But recently it can show varied use of katakana away from stipulated u...

Katakana in modern Japanese is in general use in an loan word, a foreign persons name and the name of a place, imitative words, a mimetic word, animals and plant's name and so on. But recently it can show varied use of katakana away from stipulated usage in the Japanese newss, magazines, novels and others, this phenomenon of notation holds an important place in modern Japanese notation. Thus this study would search the actual conditions of application by novels, what vocabularies are written mainly by Katakana among Japanese words and what are exceptions and so on.
All 4 novels have transcribed to Katakana on the exceptional expression besides imitative words(ワンワン), an loan word(パン), a foreign persons name and the name of a place(ブッシュ、アメリ, animals and plant's name(イヌ、キク). The component ratio of an loan word, a native tongue and hybrid is as follows, on the basis of the different vocabulary(異り語数) only calculated Katakana.
『花より男子ファイナル』has an loan word 77.25% (an loan word 62.25%, Japanese-style english 5.17%, the others 9.68%), a native tongue 13.06% (imitative words 0.9%, a mimetic word 3.6%, animals and plant's name 0.9%, a slang word 0.68%, grammatical person 1.8%, the others 5.18%), a Chinese word(1.8%), hybrid(7.88%), on the basis of 444 words of the different vocabulary.
のだめカンタ-ビレ』has an loan word 62.5% (an loan word 48.04%, Japanese-style english 6.86%, the others 7.6%), a native tongue 32.23% (imitative words 6.99%, a mimetic word 8.82%, animals and plant's name 1.1%, a slang word 0.86%, grammatical person 1.96%, the others 12.50%), Chinese word(1.84%), hybrid(3.43%), on the basis of 816 words of the different vocabulary.
『ごくせん上』has an loan word 33.06% (an loan word 28.38%, Japanese-style english 3.84%, the others 0.83%), a native tongue 55.93% (imitative words 7.18%, a mimetic word 16.36%, animals and plant's name 0.83%, a slang word 2.84%, grammatical person 12.69%, the others 16.03%), Chinese word(2.5%), hybrid(8.51%), on the basis of 599 words of the different vocabulary(異り語数).
『ごくせん下』has an loan word 35.44% (an loan word 28.51%, Japanese-style english 6.31%, the others 0.61%), a native tongue 49.69% (imitative words 5.3%, a mimetic word 17.92%, animals and plant's name 0.81%, a slang word 1.63%, grammatical person 2.04%, the others 22.0%), Chinese word(2.44%), hybrid(12.42%), on the basis of 491 words of the different vocabulary.
The biggest characteristic is that it transcribes to Katakana on a mimetic word than imitative words in all 4 books.
Also as the others part, 『花より男子ファイナル』is 5.18%,『のだめカンタ-ビレ』is 12.50%, and『ごくせん上・下』is 22.0%, these are exceptional expressions that different from existing Katakana orthography. The characteristics of Katakana orthography with each works are as follows, these exceptional expressions included.
『花より男子ファイナル』transcribes to Zkushi(アタシ) for emphasis of hero, and the word that wants to stress transcribes to Katakana in a sentence.
『のだめカンタ-ビレ』mostly transcribes to appear a speaker's emotion, such as ‘イヤン, カワイイ, コラ, イヤ, キモチワルイ’ and so on, another characteristic is that transcribes to Katakana for emphasis of a foreigner, schutrageman's pronunciation, such as ‘オデンテイ, ココ’ and so on. In the sentence ‘デス・マス’ transcribe to Katakana for differentiation with the public on Nodame's special pronunciation and a foreigner, schutrageman's pronunciation as well as words.
『ごくせん上・下』transcribes to Katakana un-loan words than loan words, as compared with other works. Because there are not many loan words and technical terms as different from other works, highschool students are characters, and express background of school and the lives of Japanese as it is.
As exceptional expressions of 『ごくせん上・下』, it generally transcribes to Katakana for expression that disorderly teenagers mainly use language, such as ‘ヤバイ, ケジメ, コノヤロ, デケェ, テメエ’ Also for emphasis of the speaker's emotion, ‘オフクロ, カーチャン’ and so on are transcribed to Katakana.
The anomalistic point is that the heroine, Yancumi's glasses are transcribed to Chinese word in the distinction of others' メガネ, and when teenagers of the characters call others's name, it is stressed by transcription of Katakana.
Like this Katakana orthography is against the general rule and it's sphere of usage has become wider. And in the Katakana orthography, double transcription and a phenomenon of restlessness of transcription has increased the burden laid on the learner. Because a language is not divided by formulate rules, and various orthography can appear it, as a writer's personality and handwriting.
