정월세시풍속의 전통과 현대적 활용 : 4개 사찰을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

세시풍속은 우리 민족이 이 땅에서 살아오는 동안 형성 된 풍속이다. 세시풍속은 인간의 자연적 삶의 근원을 이루는 행위로 우리나라의 경우 불교세시와 명절‧절기 등 민간세시에 행하...

세시풍속은 우리 민족이 이 땅에서 살아오는 동안 형성 된 풍속이다. 세시풍속은 인간의 자연적 삶의 근원을 이루는 행위로 우리나라의 경우 불교세시와 명절‧절기 등 민간세시에 행하는 불교적 풍습 두 유형이 오랜 세월 생활문화로 전승됨에 따라 ‘불교세시의 민속화’, ‘민간세시의 불교화’가 형성되어 서로 융화되어 왔음을 알수 있다. 특히 ‘일년지계’는 정월에 있다할 만큼 세시풍속도 정월에 많았으나 사찰의 정월 세시 풍속 중에는 통알 등 일부는 계승 발전되어 전해 내려오지만 많은 세시풍속이 문헌상으로만 존재하고 현실에서는 사라진 실정이다.‘전통 불교 세시풍속의 현대적 정립’이라는 과제는 음력문화를 전승하면서 사라져가는 명절‧절기의 의미를 대중과 함께 되새기고 새로운 세시문화를 창출할 수 있도록 사찰과 사중의 노력이 요구된다고 할 수 있다. 새로운 정월세시 풍속의 아이콘으로 떠오른 템플스테이처럼 과거의 좋은 불교세시 풍속을 다시 되살려서, 산업화‧도시화와 함께 삶의 기반이 달라진 현대에 적합한 세시체계를 불교의 정체성 확립과 자긍심을 드러낼 수 있는 세시풍속으로 융화‧발전시켜야 할 것이다. 더불어 기존의 획일적인 종교의식에서 벗어나 어떠한 콘텐츠로 접근해야 하는 문제도 중요하게 다루어야한다. 불교권에서 제시되는 세시풍속도 끊임없는 변화와 생성의 흐름 속에 있어 전통과 현대의 양상이 모두 중요하므로 불교문화와 재가문화가 시대에 맞춰 융화 발전해야함이 향후 과제로 남겨두고 있다.

Traditional seasonal customs are the customs which had been formed during the residency of our people on this land. Traditional seasonal customs are the behaviors which consist of the natural origin of human life. For our country, there are two types ...

Traditional seasonal customs are the customs which had been formed during the residency of our people on this land. Traditional seasonal customs are the behaviors which consist of the natural origin of human life. For our country, there are two types of Buddhist customs which are conducted by our people: Buddhist seasonal customs and national holidays ‧ solar terms. These two types of customs have been descended as culture of living for a long time, so that ‘Being folk of Buddhist seasonal customs' and ‘Being Buddhism of private seasonal customs' have been amalgamated. Especially, it has been said that 'the plan of the year' is made during January, which shows that there have been many traditional seasonal customs in January; however, among January's traditional seasonal customs of temples, some of the seasonal customs such as Tongal (通謁, one of the new year's ceremony of Buddhism) have been succeeded and developed until now. But some of them exist only in documents and have disappeared in reality. The task of 'modern establishment of traditional Buddhist seasonal customs' requires the efforts of temples and people for retracing the meaning of the disappearing national holidays ‧ solar terms while succeeding the lunar culture, as well as creating the new traditional seasonal culture. Like 'temple stay' which has become the new icon of January's traditional seasonal custom, it is necessary to revive the good Buddhist traditional seasonal customs. By doing this, the harmonization ‧ development of traditional seasonal customs system that are suitable for modern society toward the traditional seasonal customs which can show the identity establishment and pride of Buddhism, in this era of change of the basis of life with industrialization ‧ urbanization. Along with this, the matter of approaching with contents which are not the existing standardized religious ceremonies should be dealt importantly. The traditional and modern aspects of the Buddhist seasonal customs are all important, since they are in the middle of endless change and formation. Therefore, the future task is the harmonization and development of the Buddhist culture and house culture according to the change of the era. Key words : Traditional seasonal customs, Being folk of Buddhist seasonal customs, Being Buddhism of private seasonal customs, Buddhism's identity establishment and pride, harmonization ‧ development
