
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The notional words are the main means of Chinese grammar, although an infinite number, however usage is numerous and jumbled, salient features is emphasis and difficulty in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. This through the assessment of process of mother tongue for Korean Chinese learners of Chinese interlanguage, with HSK dynamic composition corpus stop data statistics and data collection and assessment of learners easily mixed Chinese notional application. In accordance with the part of speech of words classified group assessment of the frequently used prepositions "to" and "right", "in", "make", "make", "from", "get", "", ""; adverb "no", "no", "no", "", ""; conjunction "and", "but", "and", "or", "maybe", "still"; auxiliary "", "", "", "", "." And the classification and description of the mixed cases were stopped. From the point of view of the Chinese common sense and the Korean and Chinese speaking, the reason why the learner is mixed up in the mind is analyzed.


摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 零 绪论 8-15 0.1 选题缘由及目的意义 8-9 0.2 理论依据和探讨近况 9-13 0.2.1 偏误略论和中介语理论 9-10 0.2.2 汉语虚词本体探讨近况 10-11 0.2.3 现代汉语虚词的习得探讨 11-13 0.3 探讨措施和语料来源说明 13-15 第一章 母语韩语学习者汉语易混淆介词使用情况考察 15-26 1.1 易混淆介词使用情况 15 1.2 易混淆介词偏误略论 15-26 1.2.1 “对”和“从”、“拿”、“就”、“以”的相互混淆 15-18 1.2.2 “对”和“使”、“让”的相互混淆 18-20 1.2.3 “对”和“在”的相互混淆 20-23 1.2.4 “对”和“给”的相互混淆 23-24 1.2.5 “给”和“让”、“使”的相互混淆 24-26 第二章 母语为韩语的学习者汉语易混淆助词使用情况考察 26-40 2.1 易混淆助词使用情况 26-29 2.2 易混淆助词偏误略论 29-40 2.2.1 “的”与“地”的相互混淆 29-32 2.2.2 “的”与“得”的相互混淆 32-34 2.2.3 “地”与“得”的相互混淆 34-35 2.2.4 “了”与“过”的相互混淆 35-37 2.2.5 “了”与“的”的相互混淆 37-40 第三章 母语为韩语的学习者汉语易混淆连词使用情况考察 40-44 3.1 易混淆连词使用情况 40-41 3.2 易混淆连词偏误略论 41-44 3.2.1 “而且”与“而”的相互混淆 41-42 3.2.2 “和”与“而”、“而且”的混淆 42 3.2.3. “和”与“或”、“或者”的相互混淆 42-43 3.2.4 “或者”与“还是”的相互混淆 43-44 第四章 母语为韩语的学习者汉语易混淆副词使用情况考察 44-46 4.1 易混淆副词使用情况 44 4.2 易混淆副词偏误略论 44-46 4.2.1 “不”和“没(有)”的相互混淆 44-45 4.2.2 “也”和“都”的相互混淆 45-46 第五章 结语 46-47 参考文献 47-49 致谢 49
