
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


This expounds to South Korea's Mr. Big Chinese classroom teaching and practical operation methods, including material selection, classroom preparation, classroom teaching skills, teaching organization governance endures. Aims to make up for the current study of Chinese foreign language, for the University of South Korea, mr.. At the same time, with the author's personal theory and learning experience, the belong to the second language teaching in the field of foreign language teaching and South Korea's foreign language teaching classroom teaching department, has carried on the comparative analysis, from foreign Korean the teachings of the classroom teaching, take the advantages and find out for China's foreign language classroom teaching, special teaching methods for South Korea's Mr. big. With a view to the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, the teaching of the classroom must have practical significance. Strive to return to South Korea to teach outside, the pursuit of progress on the Korean language teaching task, this is to do the task of a test.


中文摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 第一章 绪论 7-13 1.1 探讨目的及意义 7-8 1.2 探讨思路及措施 8-10 1.3 相关领域的探讨近况综述 10-13 1.3.1 第二语言习得理论基础 10-11 1.3.2 第二语言教学法的理论基础 11-12 1.3.3 对外汉语课堂教学探讨近况 12 1.3.4 韩国对外韩语课堂教学探讨近况 12-13 第二章 对韩大学生的汉语课堂教学情况略论 13-32 2.1 对外汉语课堂教学理论发展 13-14 2.1.1 汉语作为第二语言的教学的发展与近况 14 2.2 韩国大学生汉语课堂的调查探讨-以兰州大学与韩国东亚大学教学实践为例 14-20 2.2.1 韩国大学生汉语课堂情况综述 14-15 2.2.2 汉语课时分配情况 15 2.2.3 汉语课堂学生情况(以韩国东亚大学汉语课堂为例) 15-18 2.2.4 汉语教师情况 18-20 2.3 汉语课堂教学措施 20-32 2.3.1 备课与教案 22 2.3.2 课堂教学技巧 22-27 2.3.3 课堂组织管理 27-31 2.3.4 教师的语言 31-32 第三章 韩国对外韩语教育的课堂教学情况略论 32-38 3.1 对外韩语课堂的调查探讨 32-33 3.2 对外韩语课堂教学技巧 33-38 3.2.1 备课与教案 34-36 3.2.2 课堂组织管理 36-37 3.2.3 教师的语言 37 3.2.4 板书设计 37-38 第四章 用于韩国大学生汉语教学的可借鉴之处 38-42 4.1 用于韩国大学生汉语教学的可借鉴之处 38-42 4.1.1 尝试以系统的包含听、说、读、写、练的整套教材为纲,制定探讨课程计划 38-39 4.1.2 细节化课程进度的安排 39-40 4.1.3 开发适用于汉语特点的系统性强、操作性强、趣味性高、语料真实的对外汉语教材 40 4.1.4 对教师的培训做到有针对性 40-42 结语 42-43 致谢 43-44 参考文献 44-45
