
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Idiom is people in daily life often use the set phrase, with emotional color bright, can show the characteristics of an ethnic culture. Due to historical and geographical factors, China and South Korea have a similar cultural identity and the neighboring ethos. But because of national differences, to speak in the process of conveying information, there are many differences in its expression methods, this kind of cultural differences on the performance of the two countries in the speech, that is, Chinese and korean. The idiom is just a carrier of ethnic culture. The civilization from learning to speak of the angle of Korean and Chinese comparative learning language, and discuss Han Han Xi language between the similarities and differences, and differences emerged in the reason, and in order to remind the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean two ethnic civilization. The material of Chinese and Korean language learning is varied. This article will be summed up in this is related to the human body parts, and the title of the plant, and the natural scene and food related to the four departments. Medium, and body parts of coherent can is divided into internal organs such as the eyes, ears, nose, etc., the internal organs such as heart, liver and limbs of the human body such as hands, feet, legs, and so on; plants and coherent Title important is a dog, cat, horse, tiger, etc.; and natural scene coherent with lightning, wind and rain, and diet related material can be divided into cooking methods and coherent, coherent with the taste and cookware, tableware, coherent, and. Cooking methods for cooking and eating with fried, acid, sweet and bitter, and the representative of the kitchen is a pot and bowl. The to comparative study as the starting point, Han Han Xi language according to the material classification, the language Han Hanxi similar material, analyzes each kind of material of the same means send righteousness and the differences in the means to send righteousness, mining Chinese and Korean two plain near family, each with its glamorous ethnic characteristics of Idioms, and analyze the same means send righteousness and differences that send righteousness reason. Through process of Chinese and Korean idioms material and practical significance of comparative analysis, we can see that Chinese and Korean idioms has very big personality, a lot of material that send righteousness is in its essential attribute of expansion and extension. In the two nation in their growth process, there were many people with peculiar meaning of the idiom means. Chinese and Korean two ethnic differences in culture, history, culture, social system and life habits, and cities deeply influence two plain near family talk.


摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 第一章 绪论 9-13 1.1 探讨目的 9-10 1.2 文化语言学的定义及探讨近况 10-11 1.3 汉韩惯用语对比的探讨近况 11-12 1.4 语料来源以及探讨措施 12-13 第二章 汉韩惯用语的概念界定 13-15 2.1 汉语惯用语的概念界定 13-14 2.2 韩语惯用语的概念界定 14-15 第三章 汉韩语中与人身体部位相关的惯用语 15-37 3.1 头 15-16 3.2 脑 16-17 3.3 脸 17-18 3.4 眼 18-22 3.5 鼻子 22-23 3.6 口(嘴) 23-25 3.7 舌 25-27 3.8 牙 27-28 3.9 耳 28-29 3.10 心 29-33 3.11 手 33-35 3.12 脚 35-37 第四章 汉韩语中与动物名称相关的惯用语 37-49 4.1 狗 37-39 4.2 猫 39-40 4.3 鸡 40-41 4.4 虎 41-43 4.5 鼠 43-44 4.6 马 44-46 4.7 牛 46-49 第五章 汉韩语中与自然现象相关的惯用语 49-52 5.1 雷 49 5.2 风 49-51 5.3 雨 51-52 第六章 汉韩语中与饮食相关的惯用语 52-58 6.1 与吃、喝有关的 52-53 6.2 与烹调有关的 53-54 6.3 与食味有关的 54-55 6.4 与炊具、餐具有关的 55-58 6.4.1 碗 55-56 6.4.2 锅 56-58 结语 58-60 致谢 60-61 参考文献 61-62 附录:本人探讨生期间发表的论文 62
