
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


China and South Korea in the process of the long-term exchange, Confucian civilization as the mainstream of Chinese civilization of Korean culture occurred profound influence, in recent years, along with the influence of China in the international more and more. South Korea is also the re emergence of the grand occasion of learning Chinese. Chinese senior colleges have gradually infiltrated into the elementary school, more and more children start to understand the South Korean Chinese, learning Chinese, foreign language teaching to grow up quickly in the elementary school. The author as one of 2013 to Korea to Chinese teacher volunteers, taught in South Korea Incheon metropolitan city a elementary schools, according to a year of teaching theory and application of questionnaire query visits, interviews, literature research and approach, on the one hand, according to the status of Chinese teaching and the original language plain near teacher self lecture practical teaching situation stopped the query visits and analysis, according to the teaching object is basically zero small Mr. primitives plain near teachers on how to choose teaching methods proposed. On the other hand, according to the appointed teaching students Chinese learning situation, through the process of learning motivation, learning interest survey, summarize and put forward countermeasures to improve students learning interest, desire for future Chinese teacher volunteers can may be sponsored.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   目录   6-8   绪论   8-13       第一节 探讨目的   8       第二节 探讨意义   8-9       第三节 探讨措施   9-10           一、 问卷调查法   9           二、 师生访谈法   9           三、 文献探讨法   9-10       第四节 探讨内容   10       第五节 探讨综述   10-13           一、 国内外学者相关探讨成果   10-11           二、 “CPIK 项目”原语民教师相关探讨   11-13   第一章 韩国仁川广域市汉语教育基本近况   13-16       第一节 韩国仁川广域市汉语教师情况   13-14       第二节 韩国仁川广域市汉语课程设置及使用教材   14-16   第二章 韩国仁川广域市朱安南初等学校汉语教学情况概述   16-22       第一节 学校概况   16       第二节 汉语课的设置情况   16-19           一、 汉语教学目标   16-17           二、 课程设置   17-19       第三节 韩国仁川广域市朱安南初等学校汉语教学存在的问题   19-22           一、 原语民教师独立授课存在沟通问题   19           二、 教学资源短缺问题   19-20           三、 教学措施不当、学生学习兴趣不高   20-22   第三章 韩国仁川广域市朱安南初等学校汉语教学情况调查   22-25   第四章 韩国仁川广域市朱安南初等学校汉语课堂教学问题的解决措施   25-33       第一节 全身反应法在汉语课堂中的运用   26-30       第二节 交际法在汉语课堂教学中的运用   30-33   第五章 对韩国仁川朱安南初等学校汉语教学的反思   33-36   结语   36-37   参考文献   37-39   附录A:韩国仁川广域市中小学原语民教师调查问卷   39-40   附录B:韩国朱安南初等学校零起点学生汉语学习调查问卷   40-42   致谢   42  
