跟着中国经济的飞速成长,最近几年来汉语也愈来愈遭到世界列国的看重,从而活着界各地掀起了进修汉语的风潮。作为中国的友爱邻邦和主要的商业协作同伴,在韩国,更多的韩国人也将汉语代替本来的日语作为进修外语的首选。加上韩国当局愈来愈看重同中国的关系,也响应地采用了一系列办法来增进韩国国际汉语教导的成长。由于愈来愈多的汉语原语平易近教员进入韩国的中小学停止汉语教授教养,本文将韩国高中的汉语教室中广泛采取的中韩汉语教员协同教授教养作为研究的重要内容。本文研究配景即全球汉语热和韩国人对汉语进修的热忱日趋低落。重要内容分为四个部门,韩语毕业论文,起首是韩国汉语教授教养的整体引见和京畿道地域汉语教授教养的成长和现状,其次,引见协同教授教养的重要情形,再次,是对京畿道地域高中中韩教员协同教授教养情形停止查询拜访,剖析其意义和局限性,最初提出一些本身的意见和建议。本文研究意义和目标是对这一有着弘远成长远景的教授教养形式在对外汉语教授教养范畴的应用停止深刻研究和剖析,明白其优势及能够碰到的成绩,为往后的实际研究和现实教授教养供给必定的自创和启发。本文研究办法实际与理论相联合。既少不了协同论和许多先辈在其他教授教养范畴包含对外汉语教授教养范畴的研究结果等实际方面的支撑,又联合现实考核、问卷等查询拜访措施停止现实信息的汇集。最初愿望本文能为有须要的人供给必定赞助。 Abstract: With the rapid development of economy China, in recent years more and more attention by the Chinese all over the world, so the world and set off a wave of Chinese study. As a friendly neighbor of China and the main business partners, in South Korea, more Koreans will also preferred Chinese instead of the original Japanese as a foreign language learning. With more and more attention to relations with South Korean authorities China, also adopted a series of measures in response to South Korea to promote international Chinese education development. Due to an increasing number of Chinese primitive plain near the teacher entered the Korean primary and secondary school stop Chinese teaching, the Korean high school Chinese classroom widely used in Korean Chinese teacher collaborative teaching as the main content of the study. This paper studies the background of Chinese and Korean Chinese global learning enthusiasm is declining. An important content is divided into four parts, first of all is the development and current situation of Chinese teaching in South Korea's overall introduction and Gyeonggi province regional Chinese teaching, secondly, introduce collaborative teaching important cases, again, is the Gyeonggi area high school between China and Korea teacher collaborative teaching situation investigation, analyze its significance and limitations, originally put forward some own opinions and suggestions. This paper research significance and the goal is to this has ambitious growth prospects in the form of teaching stop deep research and analysis in the use of the category of Chinese as a foreign language teaching, understand the result can meet the advantage and, for the future theoretical research and practical teaching supply must be created and inspired. In this paper, the theory and practice of combining research methods. Both ultimately collaborative theory and many predecessors in other teaching areas include the category of Chinese as a foreign language teaching research results and practical support, and combined with practical examination and questionnaire inquiry call method stop collection of real information. This paper first wish to have other people must supply sponsorship. 目录: 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 绪论 8-10 0.1 探讨背景 8 0.2 探讨内容 8 0.3 探讨目的和意义 8-9 0.4 探讨措施 9-10 第1章 韩国高中汉语教学情况 10-14 1.1 韩国高中汉语教学概述 10-14 1.1.1 韩国高中设置基本情况 11 1.1.2 韩国高中分类及各自汉语课程设置情况 11 1.1.3 韩国高中汉语教材使用情况 11 1.1.4 韩国高中使用的汉语教学法 11-12 1.1.5 韩国高中课程设置、汉语的地位以及选修汉语的情况 12-14 第2章 协同教学 14-21 2.1 协同教学起源和发展情况 14 2.2 协同教学的定义和基本内容 14-15 2.3 协同教学的基本模式和实施类型 15-18 2.4 协同教学的基本策略 18-19 2.5 协同教学的主要特点 19 2.6 协同教学的优势和局限性 19-21 第3章 韩国京畿道地区高中中韩汉语教师协同教学情况 21-31 3.1 京畿道高中汉语教学的总体情况介绍 21-23 3.2 京畿道地区高中中韩汉语教师协同教学情况 23-31 3.2.1 韩国籍汉语教师情况介绍 23-24 3.2.2 汉语原语民教师情况介绍 24-25 3.2.3 高中学生汉语学习情况简介 25-26 3.2.4 京畿道高中学校汉语课程设置及教材使用情况 26 3.2.5 京畿道高中汉语协同教学模式的使用情况 26-28 3.2.6 京畿道高中汉语协同教学各阶段的实施情况 28-31 第4章 京畿道地区高中中韩教师协同教学存在的问题及改进意见 31-36 4.1 协同教学过程存在的主要问题 31-33 4.2 针对协同教学过程中存在的问题提出几点改进意见 33-36 结论 36-37 参考文献 37-38 附录 38-40 致谢 40-41 |