본 연구에서는 어머니가 자녀의 성취에 자신의 가치감을 수반시키는 경향(자녀 수반 자기가치감)과 부정적인 부모 자녀 관계, 그리고 어머니의 우울간의 관계를 살펴보고자 했다. 이를 위해...
본 연구에서는 어머니가 자녀의 성취에 자신의 가치감을 수반시키는 경향(자녀 수반 자기가치감)과 부정적인 부모 자녀 관계, 그리고 어머니의 우울간의 관계를 살펴보고자 했다. 이를 위해, 전국에 중학생 또는 고등학생 자녀를 둔 어머니 400명을 대상으로 어머니의 자녀 수반 자기가치감 척도, 부모 자녀 간 역기능적 상호작용 척도, 우울(CES-D) 척도 순으로 구성된 설문을 실시하고 자료를 수집하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.
This study aimed to examine the relation of the mother's tendency to base her self-worth on the child's achievement(child-based self-worth), negative parental relationship, and the mother's depression. For this purpose, 400 Korean mothers with childre... This study aimed to examine the relation of the mother's tendency to base her self-worth on the child's achievement(child-based self-worth), negative parental relationship, and the mother's depression. For this purpose, 400 Korean mothers with children in middle and high schools completed the survey including Child-based Self-worth Scale, Adolescent-Parent relationship Scale, and CES-D scale. The results were as follows: first, the mother's child-based self-worth, dysfunctional parent-child interaction, and depression were positively correlated to one another. Second, dysfunctional parent-child interaction fully mediated the relationship between the mother's child-based self-worth and depression. This implied dysfunctional parent-child interaction occurring due to the mother's seeking her self-worth on her child's achievement hindered the mother's psychological adjustment more than the mother's child-based self-worth itself did. The findings showed the mother's psychological tendency to value the child's academic achievement and to confirm her self-worth in the performance-driven Korean society affected parental relationship and the mother's depression. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study for counseling and parent education settings were discussed. ,韩语毕业论文,韩语毕业论文 |