한국 다문화가족에 대한 문화교차학적 연구 : 언론매체와 창작물 내용분석을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to classify discourse on multi-cultural family presented in our social media and creations into the identity, difference, and the third logic, then analyze and criticize this on the basis of cross-cultural viewpoint. Pr...

The purpose of this study is to classify discourse on multi-cultural family presented in our social media and creations into the identity, difference, and the third logic, then analyze and criticize this on the basis of cross-cultural viewpoint.
Previous studies on multi-cultural family have been generally performed on the basis of sub-science system. But only a few studies have addressed the nature of multi-cultural family. So this study tries to consider the concepts related to multi-cultural family in a different way from previous studies.
Cross-cultural studies, the base of logic in this study, examines the target integrating-scientifically beyond the area of sub-science. This viewpoint includes the fact that there are other cultures, but this concentrates on 'the value' of cross between other cultures. Therefore, cross-cultural studies has strong characteristics to examine the target with criticism of a event that equals to a point that a fact meets another fact rather than scientific criticism in scientifically approaching to the meaning of phenomenon or fact in our life. For this, this study develops the discussion with the discourse on multi-cultural family presented in articles of major daily news, educational material of related office of education, and stories of musical and novels.
‘Logic of identity’ means that something must be completely identical rather than it means 'co-belonging'. This insists the legitimacy with neglecting the difference, that is it is a logic to collect and connote everything into one. The discourse on multi-cultural family based on these logics tries to make them adapt on general side of our culture centered on custom and language.
‘Logic of identity’ which penetrates the custom, language, and culture is the logic to adopt multi-cultural family, not to exclude it. Therefore, we can find positive from this viewpoint. On the other hand, it has some problems based on the logic of identity. First, a trial of identification with custom can make us feel at ease from the viewpoint of carrying out the identical culture, but it can be a tool which make others constantly recognize that they are different each other. Second, the effort of adaption with language has been executed in the structure of demanding Korean language unilaterally because Korean has clear geographical and ethnic background. Third, although there are members of multi-cultural family who have learned custom and language perfectly, an effort of identification is limited owing to the difference in appearance. Finally, the discussion of multi-cultural family has been achieved as a means to make national/racial consciousness firm.
‘Difference’ means the understanding of difference or non-identity. This can be a concept of giving a life to people when recognizing ‘others’, and forming the relation of 'teaching-learning‘ with each other on the basis of the understanding of difference. On the other hand, ‘The logic of difference’ arises from the misunderstanding of difference, and this means to stay in difference state without any behavior after recognizing the difference.
We can see the difference particularly in education-related field from materials researched. In particular, the difference is defined as an alternative plan for logic of adaption or identity, or as more progressed discussion. However, the problem of discourse in these materials is that it tries to analyze the environment of multi-cultural family located in the particularity, ‘Korea’ with other concepts such as ‘recognition of diversity, globalization, and difference’. And there is the ethnic/national consciousness in the center.
The cross-cultural viewpoint provides the background that can view a phenomena newly beyond the discussion of these two viewpoints. This is the viewpoint that considers people who live as ‘the subject of thinking’, their family, society, and country. Setting various relations such as ‘respect for human rights, love, thinking from other's viewpoint, harmony, care’, unlike the discussion that leads the relation with identity or difference, is an effort to view 'multi-cultural family on the view point of human’.
Like this, cross-cultural approach to members of multi-cultural family suggests to get a location as a human who has own family, will of life, and thought under the atmosphere that considers them as an unique existence who has different appearance and speaks different language. For this purpose, this study tries to inspect discourse related to multi-cultural family, and to reflect on ourselves. Future studies need to find out a clue to solve discourses made indiscreetly, and its exhaustive misunderstanding.

본 연구의 목적은 문화교차학적 관점을 바탕으로 우리사회의 매체창작물에 나타난 다문화가족의 담론을 동일성과 차이성, 제3의 논리로 분류, 분석하여 그것을 비판하는데 있다. 다문...
