지속가능한 주민참여형 예술창작공간 연구 : 부산시민공원 문화예술촌을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

글로컬의 지방 브랜드 시대를 맞아 각 지역의 주요한 문화시설로 자리 잡은 예술창작공간에 대한 사회 일반의 관심은 크다. 지역 주민들은 이러한 창작공간을 통해 가까운 곳에서 쉽게 예술...

글로컬의 지방 브랜드 시대를 맞아 각 지역의 주요한 문화시설로 자리 잡은 예술창작공간에 대한 사회 일반의 관심은 크다. 지역 주민들은 이러한 창작공간을 통해 가까운 곳에서 쉽게 예술을 접하고 교감함으로써, 문화예술을 향유하고 지역사회 문화의 발전에도 기여하고 있다. 이러한 흐름을 따라, 2016년 현재 전국에 120개소나 되는 여러 유형의 창작공간들이 운영되고 있으며, 지역사회의 문화거점공간으로서 지역 문화예술발전에 기여하는 사회문화적 기능도 동시에 수행하고 있다. 최근 새롭게 출발하는 창작공간들은 지역 기반 중심의 참여형 프로그램을 통해 그 미래가능성을 모색하고 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 본 연구는 ‘부산시민공원 문화예술촌’ 에 대한 사례연구를 통해, ‘지속가능한 주민참여형 창작공간’의 구현을 위한 ‘아트커뮤니티 프로그램’이나 ‘지역협력 프로그램’ 운영이 어느 정도 파급효과를 보일 수 있는지에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. ‘부산시민공원 문화예술촌’은 미군부대가 있던 옛터를 도심공원으로 조성하며 핵심시설로서 예술창작공간을 조성한 세계적으로도 드문 사례로, 해병대 기지를 복합공원화한 미국 어반인시티의 그레이트파크(Great Park) 사례(2002)와 비견된다. 또한 본 연구는 예술창작공간이 미술관, 박물관 등 기존 문화예술시설의 새로운 대안으로서 어떠한 가치가 있는지 알아보았다. 국내외 선진 창작공간의 고유한 정체성과 운영방식 그리고 프로그램의 분석 등 다양한 사례연구를 통해, ‘부산시민공원 문화예술촌’이 지역주민과 함께 소통하는 문화시설로 거듭 날 수 있는 방안과 지자체의 효율적인 지원정책에 대해 몇 가지 효율적 방안을 제안한다. 개관 2년차에 접어 든 ‘부산시민공원 문화예술촌’이 지속 가능한 주민참여형 창작공간으로 육성되기 위해서는 부산시 자치입법으로 제정한「부산광역시 문화예술 창작공간 지원조례」의 즉각적 실현이 최우선으로 나타났다. 또한 부산지역 내의 창작공간 실태 현황조사 및 공적자금 지원이라는 실천적 로드맵의 빠른 실행을 통해, 일선 창작공간사업의 활성화와 부산시민 미래 삶의 질을 보장하는 실천적 대안으로 자리해야 할 것으로 나타났다.

Residents express a lot of curiosity on artistic creative spaces, which have established themselves as major cultural facilities of the community. These creative spaces contribute to the cultural development of the community by allowing residents to e...

Residents express a lot of curiosity on artistic creative spaces, which have established themselves as major cultural facilities of the community. These creative spaces contribute to the cultural development of the community by allowing residents to easily access and commune with arts and enjoy cultural arts in their community. With a national boom of the use of closed schools, closed schools have been turned into creative spaces in urban and rural areas. These spaces, as a cultural bases connected with community, are providing residents to participate in cultural and artistic activities. Creative spaces are not included in the cultural facilities stipulated in the Culture and Arts Promotion Act and do not have legal status as life cultural facilities or cultural educational facilities in the relevant laws linked to the Culture and Arts Promotion Act as its provisions. Therefore, this study focused on the reality that creative spaces were not given institutional support for improvement and generally stayed stagnated, without achieving continuous development. Currently there are about 120 creative spaces of various types being operated in Korea. Many creative spaces based on communities often have the meaning of existence as artistic creative spaces based on the fact alone that they also carry out social and cultural functions as cultural base spaces in communities, contributing to the cultural and artistic development of communities. Creative spaces that are making a new start recently are pursuing the possibility of programs based on community. In this context, a case study on the Culture and Art village in Busan Citizen Park aimed at examining how much ripple effect introducing community arts factors to programs or operating programs in cooperation with community had on the realization of sustainable growth of citizen participatory creative spaces. The Culture and Art Village in Busan Citizen Park is an artistic creative space that was established as a key facility when the site of the American army base was turned into a city park. This is a rare case in the world. Great Park, which was built in Irvine City in U.S.A. in 2002, is an advanced case in which a U.S Marine Corps station was turned into a complex park. The park is characterized by citizen participatory programs that are operated by season for visitors. This case is compared to that of Busan Citizen Park. In addition, this study explored the value of artistic creative spaces as a new alternative for existing cultural and artistic facilities including galleries and museums. Furthermore, through the analysis of the inherent identity, operation method and programs of advanced creative spaces at home and abroad, the study suggests plans which will turn the Culture and Art Village in Busan Citizen Park into a cultural facility that communicates with community residents and efficient support policies from the local government. This study focused on the life-related operation or citizen participatory operation of artistic creative spaces as a community cultural base among several roles and functions of the spaces. This is because a lot of expectation is placed on artistic creative spaces, the medium, based on the fact that the creative space policy is largely contributing to the development of local arts and residents' enjoying of culture and arts beyond achieving its primary goal of saving artists. In order for the Culture and Art Village in Busan Citizen Park, which is in the second year after its opening, to become a sustainably growing citizen participatory creative space, Busan Metropolitan City Cultural and Artistic Creative Space Support Ordinance, established in autonomous legislation in Busan, should be enacted in its original purpose. Moreover, the road map of examining the present states of creative spaces in Busan and providing municipal supports should be carried out, as a facilitator for the vitalization of the creative space project.
