“被”字句和兼语句是古代汉语的主要的语法项目,同时也是留先生进修汉语语法时的重点和难点,他们在进修进程中或许常常误用个中的某种句式,或许常常将两种句式混杂起来。本文将针对韩国留先生习得“被”字句、兼语句的现实成绩,依据汉语本身特色和对外汉语教授教养的性质,将实际和教授教养语法相联合,力争找出卓有成效的对韩汉语“被”字句、兼语句的教授教养对策,使进修汉语的韩国人更好地舆解和控制这两种特别的汉语语法项目。全文共分六章第一章,引论。包含选题的念头、意义及本文的研究规模和所运用的实际、办法。第二章,韩语论文范文,汉语“被”字句和兼语句研究概述。针对两种句式,对后人的研究做简略梳理。重要分两个方面一是汉语本体中的研究情形,二是对外汉语教授教养中的研究情形。第三章,两种句式表达措施在韩语和汉语中的比拟。固然在韩语中也有主动式和使动式,但经由过程比较发明,它们与汉语中的主动句和兼语句在语义、语法等方面有雷同的地方,也有分歧的方面,我们懂得韩语中两种句式的表达办法与汉语中两种句式表达办法的差异点,可以找到留先生涌现混杂的缘由,韩语论文题目,从而进步教授教养的预感性,赞助先生战胜母语的搅扰。第四章,相干的查询拜访统计。内容包含查询拜访目标、查询拜访办法、查询拜访内容、查询拜访对象和语料起源等,提出了偏误肯定的尺度,最初列出查询拜访的成果,而且停止了恰当的剖析。第五章,偏误剖析。依据查询拜访成果对“被”字句和兼语句的偏误停止分类。在归结和描述的基本上指出这些偏误在哪一点上或因为甚么详细缘由违反了汉语的规矩。然后总结出偏误发生的缘由年夜致有母语的负迁徙、目标语常识的过度泛化、进修战略的欠妥、内部情况的不良作用。第六章,教授教养对策与建议。针对下面的成绩及停止的剖析,我们依照教授教养准绳提出了几点教授教养建议,触及教授教养进程的支配、教材编写、演习设计等几个方面。 Abstract: "Is" words and sentences is the grammatical item of ancient Chinese, also leave students studying Chinese grammar when the emphasis and difficulty, them in the learning process may often misuse medium of a sentence, perhaps often mix up a two sentence patterns. The according to the South Korean left Mr. acquisition "is" sentence, and statements of the real results, depending on the nature of the Chinese and foreign language teaching, practice and teaching grammar, strive to find out the effective of the Korean and Chinese passive sentences, and statements of teaching strategies, enable learning Chinese Koreans to better understand and control these two special Chinese grammatical items. The full text is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction. Contains the idea of the topic, significance and the research scope of this and the practical application of the method. The second chapter is the summary of Chinese "Bei" sentence and sentence. According to the two kinds of sentence patterns, the study of future generations to do a brief combing. It is divided into two aspects: one is the study of Chinese ontology, the two is the study of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. In the third chapter, the comparison of the two methods in Korean and chinese. Although in Korean also have active and makes the movable type, but through comparison method, they and Chinese active sentences and sentences in terms of semantics, syntax, and have similar places, there are also differences, we understand Korean two sentence expression way and Chinese two sentences expression similarities and differences between the way, can find left Mr. mixed reason emerging, so as to improve the teaching of foresight, sponsored by Mr. overcome mother tongue interference. The fourth chapter, the relevant inquiry statistics. Contains investigation goal, query visit, investigation content, investigation object and data origin etc., the errors of certain scale, initial list of query results to visit, and stop the appropriate analysis. The fifth chapter, error analysis. According to the results of the inquiry, the classification of "Bei" sentence and the deviation of the sentence. In the resolution and description of the basic point out that these errors at any point or because what details of the violation of the rules of the Chinese language. And then summed up the errors happen reason Nianye caused by excessive generalization of the mother tongue negative migration, the target language knowledge, learning strategy is undeserved, the internal situation of the adverse effects. The sixth chapter, the teaching countermeasures and suggestions. According to the analysis of the results and the analysis, we put forward some teaching suggestions according to the teaching principle, which involves the control of the teaching process, the compilation of the teaching materials and the design of the exercises. 目录: |