跟着我国综合国力的日趋进步,我国的国际位置也有了明显的晋升,最近几年来活着界上掀起了一阵“汉语热”,在对外汉语教授教养中,针对进修者的汉语基本和程度,将进修者分为了初,中,高三个级别。个中中级汉语进修者的程度处于三个级别中的中央阶段,固然控制了根本的语法常识,积聚了必定的辞汇量,比拟于低级进修者来讲,组词造句都曾经更闇练,然则在年夜段年夜段的中文的表达时,却依然会涌现如许那样的成绩,1依据马明艳在面向对外汉语教授教养的汉语语篇研究中,韩语毕业论文,韩语毕业论文,对中级汉语进修者的语料停止偏误剖析,发明中级汉语进修者不管是书面照样行动表达都邑犯年夜量语篇连接的毛病。例如:“客岁六月,我从韩国到中国上海机场,可没有人接我来。此时,我带着像40千克的米袋儿似的行李辛辛劳苦地坐汽车到绍兴”。“我如今再看其时的照片,我的口边带着笑颜,何等美妙的时间啊!这一天给了我难忘的回想。”这两个句子都是时光指称用错,在以回想的视角论述之前产生的工作,所以“此时,这一天”显著用错。还有好比“那时刻,她说她想学韩语,我其时愉快的不得了,由于一向想找一个中国同伙,那时刻,连忙就准许她了”“这里韩国的生涯被时光所使令,该做的工作也许多,我要歇息一会儿,然则比来弗成能。”这两个例子分离是时光指称和所在指称的反复,使得表达显得异常的烦琐1。经由过程对中级汉语进修者语篇连接措施运用偏误表示的考核,2马明艳得出一个主要结论:即汉语进修者语篇才能的进步不是天然习得的,不是经由过程控制了必定的辞汇量和根本的语法常识就可以明显晋升的。须要停止专门的教授教养和练习2。而纵不雅我国现行对外汉语白话教材,对于语篇的练习在中高等才涌现一些,并且不是体系的设置出来,是和其他考核杂糅在了一路,如许下去,对于进步对外汉语教授教养效力,加速晋升汉语进修者的表达才能,没有任何好处,只会延误。所以针对语篇教授教养,对于现行教材的编写实时提出公道化的建议,是非常需要的。本文拔取了对外汉语中级白话教材为研究对象,从语篇剖析的角度,对教材中课文里语篇连接要素的散布情形停止统计和剖析,而且剖析了课后演习的编写设置,。同时确定了部门教材经由过程在课后演习中添设语气朗诵和声调鉴别的标题。看重语音教授教养的做法,由于语音清楚,语气准确,也是组成语篇情势上连接的主要身分。在剖析教材的进程中,本文提出了愿望教材零丁列出课文作为传授语篇连接常识的例文,在连接处加上标志,并赐与具体的说明,让先生对语篇连接手腕有一个直不雅的印象,感性的认知。同时合营年夜量的成套演习,从运用语篇完型填空来考核词义关系的连接措施,到考核具有逻辑关系连接感化的连词和固定格局的运用以下词语完成对话情势,再到在题干中清楚标明“尽可能多运用各类连接措施”并给出例句的成段表达演习,都可让先生更好的获得语篇才能的锤炼。 Abstract: Along with the increasing progress of China's comprehensive national strength, China's international position also has the obvious promotion in recent years to live in the world set off a "Chinese fever", in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, for learners of Chinese basic and degree, the learners divided in the early, and three levels. Mesozoic intermediate Chinese learners at three levels in the central stage, of course, control the basic grammar knowledge, accumulated a certain vocabulary, compare in terms of low-level learners, groups of words in a sentence are once more in the dark practice. However in the expression of large section of the eve of the Chinese but will still emerge in large numbers of such and such results, according to Ming Yan MA in "for the Chinese as a foreign language teaching Chinese textual research", to intermediate Chinese Learners Corpus stop error analysis, inventor of the intermediate Chinese learning whether written still action expression cities make large quantities of discourse connection problems. For example: "last June, I Chinese to Shanghai airport from South Korea, but no one to meet me. At this time, I sat in the car to Shaoxing like 40 kilograms of rice like laboriously with luggage". "I look at the photo now, my mouth with a smile, a wonderful time! I recall this day gave me unforgettable." The two sentences are wrong in that time, prior to the recall discusses the work, so at this time, the day was wrong ". And like "at that moment, she said she would like to learn Korean. I was happy not, as always want to find a Chinese friend, that moment, hurriedly allowed her to" "here in South Korea's career was time to make, should do the work also many, I want to rest for a while, ran recently Eph into." The two example is the time reference and the reference separation repeatedly, so the expression of extremely cumbersome 1. Through the process of intermediate Chinese learners language article application and connection method of error representation of the assessment, 2 Ma Mingyan obtained a major conclusion: Chinese learning discourse in order to progress is not natural acquisition of, not through the process control a certain amount of vocabulary and basic grammar knowledge can be obviously promoted. To stop the specialized teaching and practice 2. And longitudinal indecent China's current foreign language spoken language teaching material, practice of discourse in higher until the emergence of some, and the system is not set is and other assessment of hybridity in the way, madly down, on the progress of Chinese as a foreign language teaching efficiency, accelerate the promotion of Chinese language studies the expression to, no any benefits, will only delay. So in the discourse teaching, regarding the current textbooks in real time to make reasonable suggestions, it is necessary to. This paper selects the intermediate Chinese spoken language teaching material as the research object, from discourse analysis perspective, for materials in the text discourse linking elements spread statistic and analysis, and the analysis of the after-school exercise write settings. At the same time the Department of materials through the process of after class exercises set tone and tone identification of the title of recitation. The value of voice teaching practice, because the voice clear, accurate tone, is also the group discourse situation of main identity connection. In the process of teaching material analysis, this paper presents desire textbook Lingding lists of texts as teaching discourse knowledge connection Liwen, in connection with the plus sign and give specific, allow students to discourse connection wrist an intuitive impression, perceptual cognition. And joint venture a large number of sets of exercises, language application article finished cloze test to assess the connection method of semantic relations from the, to the assessment with logical relationship connection effect of conjunctions and fixed pattern used the following words to complete the dialogue situation, to in problem doing clearly marked "as far as possible multiple applications and all kinds of connection method" and giving the example into segments expression exercises, can let Mr. better get discourse to temper. 目录: |