결혼이주여성을 위한 문해교육에 대한 인식연구 : 학습자와 교사를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this research is to examine how marriage immigrant women and Korean teachers think literacy education and what are the differences between their perceptions. For this, six marriage immigrant women and three Korean teachers who participa...

The purpose of this research is to examine how marriage immigrant women and Korean teachers think literacy education and what are the differences between their perceptions. For this, six marriage immigrant women and three Korean teachers who participated in literacy education for intermarriage women were interviewed. The study was based on in-depth interviews, and the interviews were about motive of participation and purpose of education, educational contents, teaching method and student-teacher relationship. The analysis result is composed of two parts: the learners' perception and Korean teachers' perception in literacy education. First part is about how learners think literacy education for marriage immigrant women. First, learners took part in literacy education to communicate with people in daily life, to rear children, to work and to improve themselves for the future. Secondly, the contents of education are of practical use because the contents are key on everyday conversations. However literacy education institutions need to offer advanced courses in Korean in order that learners who are able to communicate in Korean participate in literacy education continuously. Learners recognized the need of various literacy education programs which are related to children's education, career and etc. for continuous learning. The result of this study indicates that literacy education helps that learners have a broad point of view culturally and tolerant attitude towards "differences". Marriage immigrant women who took part on this research could learn how to interact with their family and Korean society. Thirdly, learner participants were aware of the need to take both group education and visiting education because they had merits and demerits. Group education provided the chance for learners to make new friends, share thoughts one another and build a community. Learning based on the community promotes personal development through interaction between students. In visiting education, learners had one-to-one classes with a teacher, so they could take the class as their learning styles and levels. Participants who took part in the visiting education thought that their Korean skills were improved fast by one-to-one class as well as they could share their personal stories with a teacher much more than learners in group education. Fourthly, the important role of Korean teachers is not only teaching Korean well but also understanding the marriage immigrant women. Learners thought that a Korean teacher was a superior of family life and a fellow because she listened to their stories, understood their minds, gave a hand when they were in trouble. Second part is about how Korean teachers think literacy education courses and what are different from learners' perception. First, the purpose of the literacy education for marriage immigrant women which Korean teachers recognized was to help that marriage immigrant women could settle down well in Korean society by teaching how to communicate with people in Korean. Secondly, Korean teachers recognized that the goal and the contents of literacy education were arranged by education providers not learners. In this case, teaching method not only becomes cramming education but also objectifies learners. Educational objective should be arranged by learners, and literacy education needs to signpost for the learners in order that marriage immigrant women live an independent life as members of Korean society. Thirdly, there is a limit as to what Korean teachers use various teaching method because the curriculum and the teaching hours of literacy education which are provided by the present government's policy are fixed, and educational environment including educational materials such as a computer, a projector and etc. are poor in many literacy educational institutions. Finally, marriage immigrant women thought that a Korean teacher was a person who helped them like a older sister on the other hand Korean teachers thought that learners were people led like younger sisters or their children. Above all Korean teachers and learners had mutual partnership. Korean teachers teach various things which immigrant women need to live in Korea such as Korean, Korean culture, and etc. As they saw and heard about the life of immigrant women directly or indirectly, they learned students' cultures, point of views and their life styles. Korean teachers also got to know the dark sides of Korean society, and their views on the different social classes especially marriage immigrant women changed as well as they examined themselves.

연구는 결혼이주여성 학습자들과 문해교사들이 어떻게 문해교육을 인식하고 있는지 알아보고 이러한 학습자들의 인식교사들의 인식과 어떠한 차이점을 가지고 있는지 파악하는데 그...
