본 연구는 몽골인을 위한 『한·몽 형용사 대역사전』 설계를 제시하는 기초 연구로써 한국어와 몽골어 형용사를 비교하여 기존 한·몽 사전의 문제점을 분석하고 몽골인 학습자의 한국어 ...
본 연구는 몽골인을 위한 『한·몽 형용사 대역사전』 설계를 제시하는 기초 연구로써 한국어와 몽골어 형용사를 비교하여 기존 한·몽 사전의 문제점을 분석하고 몽골인 학습자의 한국어 학습에 도움을 주기 위한 『한·몽 형용사 대역사전』의 모형을 제시하는 데에 본 논문의 목적이다.
This study aims to make 『Bilingual Dictionary for Korean-Mongolian Adjectives』 which helps understand Korean adjectives’ verbal aspects through their contexts and examples by focusing on Korean-Mongolian bilingual dictionary design for Mongolian...
This study aims to make 『Bilingual Dictionary for Korean-Mongolian Adjectives』 which helps understand Korean adjectives’ verbal aspects through their contexts and examples by focusing on Korean-Mongolian bilingual dictionary design for Mongolian Korean language learners.
Recently, Mongolian Korean language learners are studying Korean language with various purposes, and it has been resulted in a number of publications for referencing materials or books. However, adequate and suitable materials or dictionaries to provide correct and accurate information for learners are sufficient enough. Between Korean adjectives and Mongolian adjectives, there are many differences in terms of hypernyms and subdivided meanings. By fully understanding and adequately using Korean adjectives and their subdivided meanings according to situations, individual expressions could be expected further in detail for mutual communication. In this study, meanings of Korean adjective’s hyponyms are explained in detail, and actual usages of Korean adjectives are described through their elements in contexts, examples, and sentences, in order to help understand their hyponyms. Based on these objectives, followings were conducted in this study:
In Chapter 1, purposes, necessity, and methods of this study were described, and the direction for this study on Korean-Mongolian adjective dictionary to be published was suggested for Mongolian learners by selecting adequate precedent researches for the study direction.
In Chapter 2, the status and problems of dictionaries which are being used in Mongolia were indicated. Among them, learner’s dictionaries were selected and analyzed, which are most frequently used, instead of technical-term dictionaries.
In Chapter 3, adjective structures and syntactic/semantic characteristics of both languages were examined to figure out their differences, based on problems found in Chapter 2.
In Chapter 4, conditions for Korean-Mongolian dictionary and design principles of 『Bilingual Dictionary for Korean-Mongolian Adjectives』 were suggested, and then its actual dictionary model and headword list were also provided.
This is a bilingual dictionary for a Mongolian Korean language learner who has a common purpose as a beginner. As for adjective headwords which are suitable for study’s objectives in designing dictionary, Korean adjectives were collected in point of a foreign language, rather than Koreans. For this, adjective lists for foreign learners were selected from beginning/intermediate vocabulary list of Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) and vocabulary list of female marital migrants’ Korean language learning.
Last, in Chapter 5, study findings were summarized and outstanding problems were suggested. This study has a significance in analyzing existing problems of Korean-Mongolian dictionary by comparing both languages and adjectives as a basic study to design, and providing a model of 『Bilingual Dictionary for Korean-Mongolian Adjectives』 to help Mongolian Korean language learners.
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