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국제이해교육의 관점에서 본 재외동포 한국어 교육과정 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

연구는 문화 간 이해 및 세계시민으로서의 자질 함양을 목표로 하는 국제이해교육관점에서 재외동포 한국교육과정 개발 방안을 모색하는 데 그 목적을 두었다. 본 연구에서는 ...

본 연구는 문화 간 이해 및 세계시민으로서의 자질 함양을 목표로 하는 국제이해교육의 관점에서 재외동포 한국어 교육과정 개발 방안을 모색하는 데 그 목적을 두었다.
본 연구에서는 재외동포 한국어교육의 궁극적인 목표를 실현하기 위하여 문화 간 시민교육의 구체적인 방안을 제시하였다. 이로써 재외동포 한국어 학습자들은 세계시민으로서 문화 다양성과 상호 의존성을 경험하면서 세계 평화와 공존하려는 인식의 전환을 배우게 될 것이다.

The purpose of this study was to find measures to develop Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans from the perspective of education for international understanding, which aims to enhance cross-cultural understanding and cultivate qualities of...

The purpose of this study was to find measures to develop Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans from the perspective of education for international understanding, which aims to enhance cross-cultural understanding and cultivate qualities of global citizenship.

In Chapter 1, the need and purpose of this study were presented, and the subjects and research methods were defined. In addition, after a review of previous studies, research questions were raised and the study’s theme was suggested.

Chapter 2 established the study’s foundation through a theoretical review of Korean language education for overseas Koreans in today’s era of globalization. Initially, the concept and contents of education for international understanding were reviewed to set the direction for Korean language education for overseas Koreans. Correlations between cultures and languages were also examined to discuss the Korean language education of overseas Koreans from the perspective of education for cross-cultural understanding. Moreover, the concept and developmental phases of cross-cultural communication skills were explored. Following this, the conceptual relationship between language and political education was studied by reviewing the principles and characteristics of curriculums for cross-cultural global citizens. These processes helped to lay the foundation for developing Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans.

In Chapter 3, the status of Korean language education for overseas Koreans and cases of domestic and overseas foreign language curriculums were reviewed. In addition, implications for the development of Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans were analyzed. The meanings of educating overseas Koreans and Korean language schools were first examined. In addition, the overall status of Korean language schools was researched using reference materials. This covered the regional status of Korean language schools, the status of Korean language school teachers and students, the subjects of Korean language schools, the weekly number of classes, and the status of the use of teaching materials. Furthermore, the characteristics of Korean language school students were reviewed by dividing them into the students’ development phases by age, motives for learning the Korean language, residential backgrounds, and levels of Korean language learning. Moreover, implications for the development of Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans were drawn by analyzing domestic and overseas cases of foreign language curriculums, such as the Standard Curriculums for Overseas Korean Language Schools, the International Standard Model for Korean Language Education, the Common European Framework of Reference, and the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning.

In Chapter 4, demand analysis surveys of Korean language school teachers and overseas Koreans learning the Korean language were conducted to organize Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans. A survey of overseas Korean language school teachers was performed by dividing it into first and second rounds; in addition, a survey was conducted on overseas Koreans learning the Korean language. The results of these demand analysis surveys were then examined, and implications could be drawn for the organization of Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans.

Based on the above processes, Chapter 5 suggested development measures for Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans based on the contents discussed in each chapter. It discussed the purpose of Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans, foundational principles for their development, and the establishment of their sequence and scope. Following this, it suggested measures of organizing Korean language curriculums for overseas Koreans from the perspective of education for international understanding.

Korean language education for overseas Koreans should be expanded into global citizenship education, which includes global perspectives, cross-cultural awareness, global problems and issues, and global systems. This is the ultimate purpose of Koran language education for overseas Koreans. This study suggested detailed measures for cross-cultural citizen education to realize the ultimate purpose of Korean language education for overseas Koreans. This will enable overseas Koreans learning the language to shift their perceptions toward coexistence with world peace by experiencing cultural diversity and mutual dependence as global citizens.
