여성결혼이민자 취업과정에서의 학습경험 연구 : 근거이론 접근 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Korea has been rapidly changing to a multi-cultural society as a lot of female marriage immigrants, who are in their early twenties and with low educational background from underdeveloped countries, come into the country. They are under economically d...

Korea has been rapidly changing to a multi-cultural society as a lot of female marriage immigrants, who are in their early twenties and with low educational background from underdeveloped countries, come into the country. They are under economically difficult situations and have high desire to get employed, but it’s not easy for them to have jobs in reality because they don’t have enough abilities. This study, thus, aims at building the practical theory about through what kind of learning experiences they can be reborn as active and independent social members in this unfamiliar Korean society in the process of their international marriage, immigration and successful employment. For this, data had been collected through the in-depth interviews based on a Grounded Theory Approach for the female marriage immigrants who have lived in Korea for more than 3 years, currently reside in the administrative strict, ‘Dong’ of Busan, Changwon and Gimhae areas, get employed and have ability to express their own experiences in Korean without a hitch. Analysis of the data had been carried out according to the procedure of open coding, axial coding and selective coding, the theoretical coding based on a grounded theory.
The results of the study on the learning experience during the employment process of female marriage immigrants are as follows: First, the major phenomena that female marriage immigrants undergo during the early stage of adaption to Korean society are ‘psychological isolation’, ‘troubles in daily life’ and ‘difficulties in home economics’. Second, these phenomena were influenced by causal factors such as ‘difficulties in communication’, ‘limitation of intercultural communication’ and ‘economic desire’, and by contextual factors such as ‘Korean dream’ and ‘prejudice and discrimination’. Third, to overcome and cope with these major phenomena, female marriage immigrants tried to jump over the boundaries of home and interact with the world by practicing action/interaction strategies such as ‘learning Korean language’, ‘learning Korean culture’, ‘obtaining job-related certificates and licenses’, 'studying based on the workplace’ and ‘participating in degree acquisition programs’. Fourth, there were mediation terms applied, such as ‘motherhood’, ‘burden of child rearing’, ‘support of family’, support of self-dependent group’, ‘support of neighbor/community’ and ‘institutional support’, which promoted or interrupted the practice of various learning experiences of those female marriage immigrants. Fifth, as the result of practicing various learning experiences, those female marriage immigrants got to have their communication skill improved, understand positive ego, extend their social networks, enhanced their independency abilities and made their learning desire increased. Sixth, from the international marriage and immigration to the successful employment, the core of the category which was consistently maintained during the learning experiences of the female marriage immigrants was ‘growing up as a citizen with sociocultural, and economical independency ability in combination of learning and working. Their learning experiences were largely divided into 'license/academic ability-oriented learning type’ and ‘Korean culture learning centered learning type'.
16 ,except 2, out of 18 participants of this study had a variety of job experiences in Korea before current jobs. For these participants lacking human and social capital, employment became not the result of learning but the driving force of learning motivation and they were trying to be confident and active social members improving their adaptation abilities to Korean society through the interaction between learning activities and employment activities. In addition, their employment types were as follows : 〔the 1st type〕: learning in advance․employment later Ⅰ,〔the 2nd type〕: learning in advance․employment later Ⅱ,〔the 3rd tpye〕: employment in advance․learning later Ⅰ,〔the 4th typy〕: employment in advance․learning later Ⅱ,〔the 5th type〕: employment in advance․learning later Ⅲ.

Keywords : female marriage immigrants, learning experiences, employment process, grounded theory, life event.

한국사회는 최근 들어 저개발국가 출신의 여성결혼이민자들이 대거 유입되면서 다문화사회로 빠르게 이행되고 있다. 이들은 경제적 어려움으로 높은 취업욕구를 가지고 있으나 취업역량부...

한국사회는 최근 들어 저개발국가 출신의 여성결혼이민자들이 대거 유입되면서 다문화사회로 빠르게 이행되고 있다. 이들은 경제적 어려움으로 높은 취업욕구를 가지고 있으나 취업역량부족으로 취업률이 낮은 것으로 보고되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 여성결혼이민자들이 국제결혼이주 이후, 취업성공에 이르기까지 어떠한 학습경험을 통해 능동적이고 주체적인 사회구성원으로 성장하는지를 살펴보고 실체적인 이론을 구축하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 한국거주 기간이 3년 이상 경과하고, 현재 부산․창원․김해 지역의 행정구역 동에 거주하면서 취업상태에 있고 자신의 경험을 한국어로 원활하게 표현할 수 있는 여성결혼이민자 18명을 대상으로 근거이론 접근방법에 기반하여 심층면담을 실시하여 자료를 수집하였다. 자료 분석은 근거이론에 기초한 이론적 코딩인 개방코딩, 축코딩, 선택코딩의 절차에 따라 진행하였다.
연구결과는 다음과 같다: 첫째, 여성결혼이민자들이 한국사회 초기적응과정에서 겪게 되는 중심현상은 ‘심리사회적 고립감’, ‘일상생활에서의 갈등’, 그리고 ‘가정의 경제적 어려움’으로 나타났다. 둘째, 이러한 중심현상에는 ‘언어적 소통의 어려움’, ‘상호문화적 소통의 한계’, ‘경제적 욕구’가 인과적 조건으로, ‘코리언 드림’과 ‘편견과 차별’이 맥락적 조건으로 영향을 미치고 있었다. 셋째, 여성결혼이민자들은 중심현상을 극복하고 이에 대처하기 위해 ‘한국어 습득하기’, ‘한국문화 전유하기’, ‘직업관련 수료증/자격증 취득하기’, ‘일터기반 학습하기’, ‘학위취득교육과정 참여하기’라는 행동/상호작용 전략을 실천함으로써 가정이라는 울타리를 넘어 세상과 소통하고자 노력하였다. 넷째, 이들이 다양한 학습경험을 실천함에 있어 ‘모성애’, ‘자녀양육 부담’, ‘가족 지지’, ‘자조그룹 지지’, ‘이웃/지역사회 지지’, ‘제도적 지원’이 중재적 조건으로 작용하여 행동/상호작용 전략을 촉진하기도 방해하기도 하였다. 다섯째, 다양한 학습경험을 실천한 결과, 여성결혼이민자들은 의사소통능력이 향상되었고, 긍정적인 자아를 인식하게 되었고, 사회적 관계망이 확장되었고, 자립능력이 제고되었고, 배움에 대한 열망이 증가되었다. 마지막으로, 여성결혼이민자들의 국제결혼이주 이후 취업성공에 이르기까지의 학습경험에 일관되게 유지되는 핵심범주는 ‘학습과 일의 통합 속에서 사회문화적․경제적 자립역량을 갖춘 시민으로 성장해나가기’로 도출되었다. 18명의 연구 참여자들 중 2명을 제외한 16명은 현재의 직업에 종사하기 이전에 한국에서 다양한 취업경험을 가지고 있었다. 인적자본과 사회적 자본이 취약한 이들에게 있어 취업은 학습의 결과가 아니라 학습동기를 유발하는 원동력이 되었으며, 이들은 학습활동과 취업활동의 상호작용 속에서 한국사회 적응력을 향상시키면서 당당하고 강인한 사회구성원이 되고자 노력하고 있었다. 그리고 이들의 학습경험 유형은 크게 ‘자격증/학력지향 학습형’과 ‘한국문화전유중심 학습형’으로 분류되었으며, 취업경로 유형은 〔1유형〕선학습·후취업Ⅰ, 〔2유형〕선학습·후취업Ⅱ, 〔3유형〕선취업·후학습Ⅰ, 〔4유형〕선취업·후학습Ⅱ, 〔5유형〕선취업·후학습Ⅲ으로 분류되었다.
