아랍권 학습자를 위한 한국어 격조사 교육 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study is the first study targeting the Arab learners of the Korean language. It aims at providing teaching content and methodology on Korean case particles. With only an eight-year history of Korean language education in Arabic countries which st...

This study is the first study targeting the Arab learners of the Korean language. It aims at providing teaching content and methodology on Korean case particles. With only an eight-year history of Korean language education in Arabic countries which started for the first time in Egypt in 2005, there is an acute shortage of research an teaching materials. In this regard , various studies targeting Arab learners will have to take place in the future. This study as the starting point has taken Korean case particles as its primary object. It examined the necessity of the case particles in Korean language education; and attempted to provide methodology for facilitating the learners' understanding of the meaning of case particles on the sentence level and the discourse level and their proper use.
As a theoretic foundation for teaching case particles, I examined the concept of case, types of cases and issues of case particles in Korean language. The concept of case was analyzed from the standpoints of morphology, syntax and pragmatics. Types of cases were discussed from the dimensions of form, meaning and grammatical function. Issues related to case particles were examined by considering problems and main issues pertaining to specific case particles.
In order to analyze the cases of the errors, it is essential to understand the native language of the learners. Therefor, along with theoretic study on case particles, I conducted contrast analysis of korean and Arabic languages to identify predictable difficulties for Arab learners when learning case particles. As a final step in the theoretic part, in order to analyze the use of case particles by Arab learners I discussed contrastive analysis hypothesis and error analysis hypothesis.
Against this background, in order to examine the use of case particles by Arab learners, I conducted Grammatical Judgment Test(GJT), Free Writing Test(FWT), after that I classify the error causes through the Follow up Interview(FI) with the advanced level Arab learners. As a last step I tried to understand the recent korean language education situation in Arab countries through a survey targeting the korean teachers teaching there for more one year. Through this obtained language data demonstrating the actual understanding of the case particles by students. The experiment was conducted among 107 students at different Arab universities such as Ain-Shams University in Egypt and Jordan National University in Jordan. Among the case particles, errors related to subject case particles '이/가', object case particles '을/를' and adverbial case particles '에' and '에서' were the most numerous. I classified errors related to case particles into three groups namely, 'omission of case particles', 'replacement by other case particles' and 'addition of the case particles'. Among the beginger learners, omission of the case particles was the most frequent, while for the intermediate learners, replacement by other case particles was the most numerous.
After classifying errors, I analyzed their causes originating from the Influence or mother tongue(L1), Individual differences, Complexity of target language and Impact of teaching curriculum.
This study aimed at providing basis for proper education upon examining errors and their causes in the use of case particles by Arab learners of the korean language. Based on the outcome of analysis the language data, I set the object and purpose of education . In terms of educational purpose, the focus was placed on the accuracy of form and meaning of case particles. Next, in order to prepare educational content, I first analyzed teaching content and methodology of existing materials in relation to case particles. Further, I summarized the outcome of analysis of language data in terms of difficulties confronted by students when learning Korean case particles. On the basis of analysis of learners' needs I suggested educational contents considering form, meaning and pragmatics of case particles. Finally. I suggested a model teaching plan for effective teaching of case particles.
This study is similar to the existing studies in that it is based on Error Analysis Hypothesis and Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis. However, the study is meaningful as the first study targeting Arab learners of Korean language and especially owing to it's attempt to suggest educational design. Which increases its potential applicability.
I hope that this study is helpful in case particles education for Arab speakers of Korean language and that in Future continuous and diverse studies will be conducted targeting Arab learners.

연구아랍한국학습자들을 대상으로 한 첫 연구아랍학습자들을 위한 한국격조교육 내용과 방법을 마련하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 아랍 지역에서 한국어 교육이 시작된...
