日本語 敎科書에 나타난 慣用句 考察 : 第3次~第7次 敎育課程 高等學校 日本語 敎科書를 中心으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Most of the learners with the mother tongue of Korean would tend to feel easier to learn Japanese than other foreign languages because of the same influence of Chinese letters. However, there are many things that are hard to explain both grammatically...

Most of the learners with the mother tongue of Korean would tend to feel easier to learn Japanese than other foreign languages because of the same influence of Chinese letters. However, there are many things that are hard to explain both grammatically and theoretically and cannot be utilized among the expressions used in daily life. Idiomatic expressions would be one of the most representative things. They are the specific expressions reflecting the historical, social and cultural background of a country. Thus, it is not easy for Korean learners to understand Japanese idiomatic expressions due to different historical and grammatical traditions. Nevertheless, idiomatic expressions have been used in a variety of fields so that it would be necessary to acquire and use them properly. Even if learners could not use them freely, they should absolutely be aware of them in terms of understanding. In addition, it would be important to learn them not by learning them by heart, but by acquiring them through understanding; for this reason, it has been suggested that even the beginners for Japanese should learn them systematically.
In this regard, this study investigated the idiomatic expressions shown in Japanese textbooks for high school students in Korea from the 3rd to the 7th educational curriculum and reviewed how they have been dealt in Japanese education at high schools in Korea. At the same time, it attempted to make the most fundamental data for the learning of idiomatic expressions in Japanese education and to suggest improvement methods for their education, by comparing and analyzing their actual conditions and changes.
Japanese textbook I & II used at high school in the entire educational curriculum in Korea had less than 50% of idiomatic expressions than those used in the textbooks for elementary schools in Japan. To make matters worse, the imbalance of using idiomatic expressions among textbooks has been severe and the lowest portion of their usage was merely 25% of the highest portion.
The scope of idiomatic expressions' being used in actual daily life in Japan has been wide and frequent and they have been used frequently in newss, magazines, novels, conversations or broadcasting, etc. so that the examples of their use should be gradually increased from the beginner's level. However, due to the change in learning objectives according to the reform of educational curriculum, their use has tended to be gradually reduced and the imbalance of using them among textbooks has been deepened further.
In this aspect, when publishing future Japanese textbooks, it would be needed to increase the absolute number of using idiomatic expressions and the number of idiomatic expressions common in each textbook by selecting the idiomatic expressions that have been frequently used, general and fundamental in daily life. Meanwhile, it would be necessary to reduce the gap between textbooks. Besides, it has been believed that it would be required to make efforts to conduct reforms in many sections such as establishing teaching methods along with basic idiomatic expressions in Japanese education and configuring & making sufficient concrete data for the teaching of idiomatic expressions.
This study focused on examining and analyzing the idiomatic expressions shown in Japanese textbooks of the entire educational curriculum and did not actually deal with their concrete teaching methods, but left them for future studies. It is expected that this study will be helpful in publishing new Japanese textbooks in the future according to the revised educational curriculum and more efficient researches and concrete methods regarding the utilization of idiomatic expressions will be suggested and promoted further.

韓國語를 母語로 하는 學習者의 대부분은 같은 漢字圈에 있는 日本語를 배울 때 다른 外國語보다 배우기가 쉽다고 느낄 것이다. 그러나 日常生活에서 使用하는 말들 중에 文法的으로 또는 ...

韓國語를 母語로 하는 學習者의 대부분은 같은 漢字圈에 있는 日本語를 배울 때 다른 外國語보다 배우기가 쉽다고 느낄 것이다. 그러나 日常生活에서 使用하는 말들 중에 文法的으로 또는 論理的으로 說明하기 어렵고 잘 活用할 수 없는 것들이 많다. 慣用句가 그 代表的인 것이라 할 수 있다. 慣用句는 한 나라의 歷史 ․ 社會 ․ 文化的 背景이 反映된 特殊한 表現으로 歷史와 文化的 傳統이 서로 다른 韓國人 學習者가 日本語 慣用句를 理解하는 것은 쉽지 않다. 그러나 慣用語는 多方面에 걸쳐 使用되고 있으므로 慣用句에 대한 拾得과 適切한 使用이 必要하며 비록 學習者가 慣用句를 자유롭게 使用하지 못한다 하더라도 理解의 次元에서 반드시 學習되어져야 할 部分이다. 또한 慣用句는 暗記가 아닌 理解하며 몸에 익히는 것이 重要하기 때문에 日本語의 初期 學習段階부터 體系的으로 學習해 나가야 한다고 생각한다.
이에 本 論文에서는 第3次 敎育課程부터 第7次 敎育課程까지의 韓國 高等學校 日本語 敎科書에서 다루고 있는 慣用句를 調査하여 우리나라 高等學校 日本語 敎育에서 慣用句가 어디까지 어떻게 다루어져 왔는지를 檢討함과 同時에 그 實態와 變化를 比較 ․ 略论함으로써 向後 日本語 敎育에 있어 慣用句 學習의 바탕이 되는 가장 基本的인 資料를 만들고 慣用句 敎育의 改善方案을 提示하고자 하였다.
우리나라 全 敎育課程의 高等學校 日本語 敎科書Ⅰ·Ⅱ 모두 日本 小學校 高學年 敎科書의 50%도 借地하지 못하는 아주 低調한 慣用句 使用을 보였고, 各 敎科書間의 慣用句 使用 不均衡도 深刻하여 慣用句 使用 最低値는 最高値의 25% 水準에 不過하였다. 實際 日本의 言語生活에서 慣用句가 使用되는 範圍는 넓고 頻繁하여 新聞, 雜紙, 小說, 對話나 放送 等에서 자주 使用되고 있으므로 初級段階에서부터 漸次的으로 그 使用例를 늘려야 할 형편인데, 敎育課程의 改編에 따른 學習目標의 變化로 인해 慣用句 使用은 漸次 줄어드는 逆現想이 나타났으며 各 敎科書 間의 慣用句 使用 不均衡도 더욱 深化되었다.
이에 대해 向後 日本語 敎科書를 制作할 때에는 慣用句의 絶對的인 使用 數値를 늘리는 것과 함께, 實際 生活에서 使用 頻度가 높고, 一般的이며, 基本的인 慣用句를 選別하여 各 敎科書에 共通的인 慣用句의 數를 增加시키는 한편 各 敎科書마다의 水準의 格差를 줄여야 할 것이다. 또한 日本語 敎育에 있어서는,基本語彙와 같이 指定된 基本 慣用句의 基準과 함께 指導 方針을 마련하고 慣用句 指導의 具體的 資料를 充分히 構成 · 制作하는 等 보다 많은 改善의 努力이 반드시 必要하다고 생각한다.
本 硏究에서는 全 敎育課程 日本語 敎科書에 나타난 慣用句를 調査 略论하는 것에 重點을 두어서 進行을 하여 具體的인 指導方案에 대해서는 向後의 硏究課題로 남겨두었다. 本 硏究가 앞으로 改定된 敎育課程에 따라 새로운 敎科書를 執筆하는데 조금이나마 도움이 되기를 바라며 앞으로의 論文에서는 慣用句를 實際 敎育現場에 어떻게 活用할 것인지의 具體的인 方案이 提示되고 보다 效果的인 硏究가 繼續되기를 期待한다.
