[英语论文] 旅游英语的特点及其翻译探讨策略
Abstract: Chinas tourism is growing at breakneck pace with the development of economy and the improvement of peoples lives. Nowadays we can call it a large state for traveling. The Chinas tourism scale expands smoothly and industry qualit...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:57 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 英汉谚语中的文化异同及其翻译策略
Abstract: As is known to all, language is the most direct way to communicate information and ideas with human beings. Proverb is the cultural cream shaped in the course of cultural development. Firstly, the thesis explains the definitions...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:165 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 试析英汉习语的文化异同及其翻译
Abstract: Idioms are an important part of language. They are the products of the human society and carry a nations civilization. Those set phrases and expressions are so concise, vivid and even humorous. They play a very important part in...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:89 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 英语广告中双关语的翻译探讨
Abstract: Nowadays, with the booming of economy, English advertisements are playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. Especially puns used in English advertisements are more attractive and impressive. The English advertise...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:175 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从功能对等理论看美剧《绯闻女孩》字幕翻译
Abstract: In recent years, with the advancement of science and technology, communication becomes increasingly convenient, and cultural exchange among nations becomes more and more frequent. As a result of this cultural exchange, a large...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:125 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从文化异同角度试析广告翻译
Abstract: Advertisement translation plays a key role in boosting the international economic development and successful translation helps to promote products, deliver sales information and build a good brand image that leaves customers a d...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:65 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 汉语修辞在英语广告汉译中的应用
Abstract: With the rapid development of economic globalization and cross-cultural communication, thousands of English advertisements have been flooding into the Chinese market and affecting our daily lives. As a consequence, the translati...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:127 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 试析车站公示语的汉英翻译
Abstract: Though having gained great popularity in almost every field of daily life, the translation of public signs especially those in transport stations still have various problems. This study based on previous studies is aimed at anal...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:115 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 以《围城》英译本为例
Abstract: There exist a lot of cultural and linguistic barriers and difficulties in humor translation, hence causing the problem of understanding humor, and this study aims to find an appropriate way to translate Chinese and English humor...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:69 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 《红楼梦》人物名翻译探讨
Abstract: Names in A Dream of Red Mansions imply the characters personalities and their destiny by the authors artistic manipulation. At the same time, these names reflect the values, love and hate and writing intention of the writer. So...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:62 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 汉语体式在英汉翻译中的适应性研讨
Abstract: Chinese language convention is a means to create a fluent translation and was once widely used in Chinese history of translation. However, ever since the late 1980s Chinese language convention has been disparaged and sparingly u...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:57 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 广告英语中双关语的运用和翻译
Abstract: With the development of the society, advertising is playing an increasingly important role in our life. More and more advertisers use rhetoric to make advertising more vivid and attractive. Pun is one of the common methods. Pun...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:120 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 毛泽东诗词翻译的语音对应现象探讨
Abstract: During recent years,the researches on Mao Zedongs poetry have been more and more. There is no doubt that the translation of Mao Zedongs poetry is the base of those researches. The unique features of Chinese poetry in the style...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:153 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 虚化动词结构在英汉语文词典中的编排研讨
Abstract: This study aims to investigate and discuss the compiling of the delexicalized verb constructions(DVCs)in general English-Chinese dictionaries. Delexicalized verbs(Dvs) are also named as light verbs (Leech, 2017:60), whic...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:145 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 《水浒传》赛译本中的女性主义重构探讨
Abstract: Shui Hu Zhuan is a monument of ancient Chinese literature history and also represents a peak period of the development of Chinese classical novels, with its vivid depiction of different female images. The English versions of thi...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:124 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 英语广告语中的双关语翻译
摘要 在现代化的商业竞争中,广告是作用消费者商品选择进而赢得市场地位的关键手段,是公司核心竞争力中营销手段的主要构成。广告一词由来已久,可以解释为激发大众对某物的...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:185 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从功能性翻译的角度看公共标识语的翻译
Abstract Public signs are a kind of symbolic language with non-commercial behavior. They are open to the public with just several words or some simple pictures, creating lots of convenience for people in modern society. Public signs, whic...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:182 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 试析中西文化异同与颜色词的翻译
Abstract: Language is the important communication tools of human society, as well as the important constituent part of each countrys daily culture. English and Chinese are the most widely used language in the current society, however, the...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:136 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从释意理论看中国政府新闻发布会中诗词口译
Abstract: Poetry translation has long been considered as tough work. It is even more complicated when being combined with interpretation, which is always stressful and intense to an interpreter. The brilliant interpretation of Premier Wen...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:71 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从生态翻译学视角看字幕翻译
Abstract : Eco-translatology provides a brand new angle for translation studies. This thesis aims to analyze the influence of translation eco-environment on the translation process and to prove the applicability of eco-translatology. Ec...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:149 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从归化和异化角度看《舌尖上的中国》菜名英译
Abstract: Nowadays, in the process of globalization, the Chinese dishes have become world-famous day by day. More and more foreigners have grown very attached to Chinese dishes, so the Chinese food culture is playing a more and more impor...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:51 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 《儒林外史》中文化词的翻译探讨
Abstract: As a famous Chinese novel by Wu Jingzi in Qing Dynasty, Ru Lin Wai Shi represents the peak of ancient Chinese satire literature, embedded with profound Chinese culture. However, such colorful cultural terms as place names, perso...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:186 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 模糊语在外贸函电英语翻译中的运用
Abstract: Foreign trade correspondence plays an important role in international business. Vague language exists broadly in different kinds of business foreign trade correspondence, it helps to improve the flexibility highly and make the b...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:181 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 论文化视角下中国特色词汇的英译策略与措施
Abstract: The thesis is aimed at analyzing the strategies and methods of the Chinese specific words from cultural perspective. Firstly, the author gives definitions of the Chinese specific words and analyzes their sources and the uniquene...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:87 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 汉语网络新词的英译措施
Abstract: This paper tries to analyze different ways of translation of Chinese Internet neologisms into English from the perspective of Functional Equivalence theory and Skopos theory with the purpose to introduce this unique type of Chin...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:157 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从功能对等角度略论公示语翻译
Abstract: This paper tries to analyze the translation methods of the public signs from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence, firstly finding out the translation errors, such as: using wrong words, Chinese English, word-for-word trans...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:190 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 商务信函中模糊语言及其翻译策略
Abstract: his paper explores the four main positive functions of fuzzy language in business correspondence, namely increasing the flexibility of business English language, enhancing the objectivity and appropriateness of business language...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:135 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 浅析英文电影片名在中国大陆、香港及台湾地区的翻译异同
Abstract: This paper mainly investigates the differences of English film titles translation between Mainland China Hong Kong and Taiwan. It analyzes the cultures and commercial values of film titles and compares the different methods of t...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:162 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 试析汉语网络新词的翻译策略
Abstract: With the popularization of Internet communication, a large number of Chinese cyber-neologisms have appeared, which reflect the characteristics of a social period. This thesis, based on the background of Chinese social culture, m...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:59 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 中英习语文化及翻译的探讨
Abstract: This paper analyses the influences of the differences between the Chinese culture and the Western culture toward translation, from the perspective of religious belief, geographical environment, modes of thinking and different hi...
发布日期:2017-04-20 阅读次数:63 所需金币:免费